The Trails map

A map with all the trails of western Tigullio on a scale of 1:25.000

The paths of the Portofino Park

All the paths of the Portofino Park with their trail markers.

Rapallo e Zoagli

The Paths of Rapallo and Zoagli, from the best known to the most hidden. All in one map.

Up to Chiavari

The main paths to reach the city of Chiavari.


created by Portofinotrek

Camogli, Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo, Zoagli and further east to Chiavari.

About 300 kilometers of paths that connect the towns of the Gulf of Tigullio created by portofinotrek.

A must for those who want to discover even the most hidden treasures of this part of Liguria, very useful when planning an itinerary.

On the back you'll find a series of QR codes that will take you to the detailed itineraries on our website departing from all the main locations.

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La Mappa dei sentieri

Una carta di tutti i sentieri del Tigullio occidentale in scala 1:25.000

Sentieri del Parco di Portofino

Tutti i sentieri del Parco di Portofino con i relativi segnavia.

Rapallo e Zoagli

I Sentieri di Rapallo e di Zoagli, dai più noti ai più nascosti. Tutti in una mappa.

Fino a Chiavari

I principali sentieri per raggiungere la città di Chiavari.


Camogli, Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo, Zoagli ad arrivare fino a Chiavari.

Circa 300 kilometri di sentieri che collegano le località del Golfo del Tigullio realizzata interamente da portofinotrek.

Immancabile per chi vuole scoprire anche i punti più nascosti di questa parte di Liguria.
Utilissima anche in fase di pianificazione di un itinerario.

Sul retro oltre alla legenda, una serie di QR codes ti porteranno alle pagine del sito web con gli itinerari suggeriti con partenza dalle principali località.

Leggi tutto

Excursions in the Portofino Park, Golfo del Tigullio and Golfo Paradiso.

Some suggestion

The territory

Pieve Ligure

Pieve Ligure













S. Margherita Ligure

Santa Margherita Ligure









Sestri Levante

Sestri Levante

Parco di Portofino

Parco di Portofino



The Paradiso Gulf stretches to the east of the Portofino promontory and encompasses the municipalities of Camogli, Recco, Sori, Pieve Ligure, and Bogliasco; small coastal villages, each with their own characteristics, but all united by the ability to offer an authentic maritime experience and more.

To the west of the Portofino promontory lies The Tigullio Gulf, comprised of renowned locales known for their elegance and historical charm, such as Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo, Zoagli, Chiavari, and Sestri Levante.

These two Gulfs are separated by the Portofino Natural Park, a nature reserve characterized by unique flora and fauna, boasting a wide variety of Mediterranean plants, breathtaking panoramas, and picturesque trails perfect for hiking...

(read more)

Pieve Ligure


Coming soon






S. Margherita Ligure





Sestri Levante

Parco di Portofino

The Paradiso Gulf stretches to the east of the Portofino promontory and encompasses the municipalities of Camogli, Recco, Sori, Pieve Ligure, and Bogliasco; small coastal villages, each with their own characteristics, but all united by the ability to offer an authentic maritime experience and more.

To the west of the Portofino promontory lies The Tigullio Gulf, comprised of renowned locales known for their elegance and historical charm, such as Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo, Zoagli, Chiavari, and Sestri Levante.

These two Gulfs are separated by the Portofino Natural Park, a nature reserve characterized by unique flora and fauna, boasting a wide variety of Mediterranean plants, breathtaking panoramas, and picturesque trails perfect for hiking...
(read more)

Not to be missed!

Portofinotrek new trail map!

A completely self-produced trail map.

All the trails of the Portofino Natural Park, Golfo Paradiso and Golfo del Tigullio up to Chiavari.

An essential tool for planning your excursions and walking with confidence!

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Pair it with the digital map!

In addition to the paper map, you can also access the digital map.

Thanks to this, you can follow the trail on your mobile device without the risk of getting lost.

Paper Map + Digital Map: a complete combination that will allow you to fully enjoy your excursions with peace of mind!

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NB: All the trails featured on both the digital and paper maps have been personally mapped by the PORTOFINOTREK staff and are regularly traversed throughout the year to keep users informed of any possible changes, to the best of our ability.

Not to be missed

Portofinotrek new trail map!

A completely self-produced trail map.

All the trails of the Portofino Natural Park, Golfo Paradiso and Golfo del Tigullio up to Chiavari.

An essential tool for planning your excursions and walking with confidence!

Scopri di più

Pair it with the digital map!

In addition to the paper map, you can also access the digital map.

Thanks to this, you can follow the trail on your mobile device without the risk of getting lost.

Paper Map + Digital Map: a complete combination that will allow you to fully enjoy your excursions with peace of mind!

Read More

NB: All the trails featured on both the digital and paper maps have been personally mapped by the PORTOFINOTREK staff and are regularly traversed throughout the year to keep users informed of any possible changes, to the best of our ability.

Something about us is a website that was born, almost by chance, as a diary of our hikes on Monte di Portofino.

In the summer of 2010, we began to explore, map, and describe the main trails of Parco di Portofino, and in September of the same year, went online with the first 15 itineraries.

From there, we have grown, day by day...(read more)

Our Numbers

years online!
+ 0
kilometers of trails!
+ 0
published itineraires!

Create your own path with Portofinotrek

A tailor-made itinerary, organized according to your preferences and needs.

We provide solo walkers, hiking groups, travel agencies, or tour operators with our in-depth knowledge of the Ligurian trail network, spanning from the Golfo Paradiso, Portofino Park, to the Golfo del Tigullio.
We create a trail with a personalized itinerary for you to join in complete autonomy.