Portofino Vetta - San Fruttuoso - Passo del bacio - Batterie - Semaforo Nuovo


With orders from the Mayor of Camogli no. 89 of May 29, 2024, and no. 91 of May 30, 2024, pedestrian traffic is prohibited in both directions on the trail known as "Passo del Bacio" between the locations of Batterie and Costa del Termine.

Difficolty High
Duration 4h 45'
Length Km 10,900
Footpath signs   + + + triangolo.png +
Dislivello 3m - 528m | dislivello positivo 961m | dislivello positivo 962m
PartenzaStarting point

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Passing through

This trail, which allows you to discover the paths and the most panoramic points of the Portofino Park. A part of it is classified EE and requires adequate athletic training due to the duration, height differences, and the passages equipped with chains.

It is also recommended that:
- wear trekking shoes
- bring a good amount of water
- avoid the hottest and...

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