• Out-of-Stock

Ruta - Pietre Strette - Felciara - Bocche - Dolcina - Ruta

Difficutly Low
Duration 3h 00'
Length km 8,500
Footpath signs segnavia + segnavia + segnavia +segnavia
Dislivello 279m - 473m | dislivello positivo 412m | dislivello positivo 414m
StartStarting point

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Starting point for this ring from Ruta of Camogli is Gaixella Street, the path at the Church of St. Michael the Archangel (accessed by stairs next to the gallery).

Take the road made up of concrete steps, in some places a little battered that wind through the houses and that, soon after, leaving room for the cobbles. Along the climb, miss you encounter some deviations (on the right there is a link to...

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